Loba Pastry + Coffee Relocates this Spring

With the help of a community-backed GoFundMe, Valeria Taylor is moving her popular Roscoe Village bakery to a larger space.
Loba Pastry + Coffee Relocates this Spring
Photo: Official

Back in August, Valeria Taylor announced plans to relocate her small, independent bakery Loba Pastry + Coffee from its original home on Lincoln Ave. in Roscoe Village. Loba’s doors officially closed on August 11th, and Taylor set up a GoFundMe to help aid the moving and build-out costs.

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As Eater Chicago reports, Taylor has some difficulty securing small loans for the move to 1800 W. Addison Street, which will provide the company with more space to grow. Moving plans have been delayed, and Loba Pastry + Café will reportedly not open until spring.

A recent announcement from Taylor over Loba’s social media platforms indicates plans are moving forward, though. To celebrate the new year she wrote, “I will have some real updates soon as we are FINALLY moving forward with what’s left of construction of the new space.”

Well, we’re pretty excited for Loba Pastry + Café get back to serving those “adventurous pastries + artisan coffees.” The pastry selection, always rotating, often features sourdough muffins, oat bars, scones, and cheese biscuits. On the weekends, Loba has been known to sell challah and challita, focaccia by the slice, and mole croissants.

We suggest you keep an eye on Loba’s social media for reopening updates.

Photo: Official
Photo: Official
Photo: Official
Eve Payne

Eve Payne

Eve Payne is a freelance writer with an MFA in poetry from Syracuse University. In 2019, she received the Leonard Brown Prize for her poetry, which has appeared or is forthcoming in Colorado Review, The Adroit Journal, Nashville Review, and RHINO.
Eve Payne

Eve Payne

Eve Payne is a freelance writer with an MFA in poetry from Syracuse University. In 2019, she received the Leonard Brown Prize for her poetry, which has appeared or is forthcoming in Colorado Review, The Adroit Journal, Nashville Review, and RHINO.

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